Monday, December 19, 2011

Complete person in progress tread gently and use manners

  The Bible talks about "we are complete in Him".  This is true because God is not a liar and I believe the Bible to be the inspired Word of God.  I don't argue about the Word of God but I do like to discuss it with decency. 

If we do not find our completeness in Christ we can be all over the place, and places we should not be.  LOL.  I'm not talking about a bar or other place where I stopped going many many many years ago.  Oh yes.  In my early 20's I did frequent the was what we did in small town America.  We obviously not everybody of course.  I wasn't saved back then so I was all over the place so to speak.  This is where some need to keep their mind out of the gutter.  But this is where we can run right into that other topic.  Is your mind in the gutter about other people?

What tempts some people to be so curious about other people that they are so insecure about their own lives that other people are who they need to know about and watch, follow, investigate, to the point of over board crossing the line into nosiness and such curiosity? 

Insecurity comes to mind.  In other words that other person has a life, and they don't so to speak.  Oh they have a life, do things.  I'm talking about other people's privacy and respecting other people privacy.  I'm not talking about quitting Facebook.  But I will use it as an example.  I'm sure I am guilty in many aspects here so this is good for me to write and preach to myself.

Yes Facebook pulls you in and you sometimes can't get out.  Other people's lives are so darn interesting.  I myself love to read the posts of news and personal opinions, etc. and respond to them.  It really is social networking. 

But where do you draw the line?  Maybe we need some Facebook manners, protocol and etiquette.  I think it is a lot about putting yourself into that other person's shoes and simply being respectful.  I know, I know if they didn't want other people to delve into their lives then they simply could delete their account and or not accept friend requests. 

No!  How bout we get manners and respect and then we can "do" Facebook with respect and manners.  Sometimes I will stop myself from posting on other peoples posts especially if the conversation is between family members or if I know there are several from a family and give them family respect.  Sometimes I don't always post on my own family posts, so why would I want my acquaintances people that I am just temporary friends with so to speak why would I want them invading the privacy of my dear family.  I try not to do it too much on others when I KNOW they are sensitive.  I am JUST TALKING HERE.  Maybe someone can glean something out of this. 

I do like to ramble! I love just "getting it out".  And I think being able to share our lives with other great and wonderful people across the country is an awesome thing.  How amazing and wonderful what God has raised up for us.  We just need to listen to the Lord, His Holy Spirit, and consider the other person and their feelings. 

Other than that!  Go at it!  Feel free to share your own heart on your OWN WALL!  Don't be a busy body so much if you aren't going to share your heart and life.  We are compete in HIM.  That is what makes us whole people.  Pick up the Bible every once in a while for yourself and feed on His Word.  Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word that proceeds from the mouth of God.

God bless you!  

Wow 2007

Wow, I started this of many LOL back in 2007.  I sure can be a procrastinator!  Oh well!  LOL 

Love and Prayer

Everybody needs love.  Prayer is one way you can love others.  But don't pray prayers according to YOUR OWN understanding for yourself or others, especially others.  If you pray for others out of your own understanding and knowledge you may be limiting what God can do or wants to do in their lives. 

There are a few things that God absolutely wants for people so you can pray those.  God wants all people to be safe, be healthy, and if they aren't healthy He wants them to be healed.  God wants to supply are your needs.  And God wants you to live with Him in heaven for all eternity. 

There are more but those are the basics.  I'll be back on another blog post another time possibly to talk about this more.  But for now this is all. 


Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Whitney Houston

For a long time now I have been, WE (others and I) have been praying for Whitney Houston. We kind of saw that she was having some problems and were concerned about her because WE LOVE her.

So for a long time now we have been praying for her and we are glad to see she is doing better. We pray for her COMPLETE recovery and come back!!! I will throw in a little something here also. My prayer is that she will come back to the church and find comfort, love and peace in the Christian community. Not to be overwhelmed and squashed by an religious spirits, but to feel welcomed and loved, accepted and uplifted.

Also, that she will shine, shine, shine for Jesus again. Love, Wanda

P.S. Please remember with all of my writings there may be mistakes of which when I see them I will correct them. Please be patient. LOVE!